Frequently Asked Questions

EQS Asia and Hewlett-Packard will not update the names of contractors or sub-contractors into the database till payment has been made.

You have to score a minimum of 80 percent (i.e. 16/20) to get a pass in the exam. You will not be granted entry to HP premises if you do not meet the passing criteria.

There will be no re-sit session. HP Personnel will contact the contractor or sub-contractor’s company for further arrangements.

You have to score at least 90 percent (i.e. 18/20) for the exam to be qualified as an in-house trainer.

The in-house trainer can conduct EHS Training for employees in his company. He should maintain and submit training records to EQS Asia. EQS Asia will in turn advise SGP ISB / Indigo to update records in the SGP ISIO contractor training database. The trained workers will be eligible for the daily contractor pass to enter HP/ SGP ISB / Indigo premises.

No. Please note that records from any cross-company training of workers are not eligible for input into the SGP ISIO database or for the daily pass at guard posts. Contractors or sub-contractors are therefore advised to get their own trainer to conduct training for their own workers.

No. A company may opt to send all its workers to EQS Asia for worker’s training or it may choose to send a representative to be trained as a trainer.

Complete the Contractor’s Spreadsheet with the details of the in-house trainees, and send it to ehs@eqsasia.com. Incomplete forms will be rejected. Once the workers have completed the contractors’ in-house training and details updated into the database, the in-house trainees will then be allowed to enter or work in any of SGP ISIO premises.

Yes. The training is valid for a period of 3 years. Qualified trainers and trained workers have to attend a refresher training course after the expiry of EHS Training.

Yes. Contractors need to attend the EQS training course or an in-house training course if an in-house trainer is available.

Kindly check if you have sent your attendance list, including the name of your staff, to EQS Asia, made payment for the EHS Training and ensured that the name of the staff you have submitted is as appeared on his NRIC / Work Permit.

Yes. HP will continuously monitor the trainings which you conduct by sending a representative from EQS Asia to observe your in-house training, auditing of your company’s employee/workers training records or interviewing your company’s employee/workers during ad-hoc site monitoring, such as EHS inspections.

The in-house trainers are responsible to keep the “Contractors Spreadsheet” up to date, maintain test papers completed by the workers for at least 3 years and conduct training using the training materials provided according to the specified training requirements.

Yes. A warning, OR a ban from the awarding of SGP ISB / Indigo contracts shall be imposed on contractors who do not conduct in-house trainings to an acceptable level or who have falsified information.

According to HP practices and procedures, contractors need to attend the training again using the new company name. This is to avoid confusion in logistics and in verifying the accuracy of their details/records. This will also ensure that qualified trainers do not conduct trainings for their subcontractors or other companies.